Oceania Trails 2010
This competition is set to run on the weekend of the 3/4 April in Glenmaggie, Victoria. It is being run by the Oakleigh MCC and is the longest running 2 day open Trial in Australia.
We need to have applications of interest from all those wanting to be considered for the NZ team to be in to MNZ as soon as possible so as we can start travelling arrangements.
The Australian commissioner is looking for a team consisting of: –
An Expert rider riding the Expert line–
A Youth rider [under 21 yrs riding the A line]–
A Masters rider [over 35 yrs riding the A line]–
A woman rider [preferably one to ride the B line]
MNZ [I] require you to give urgent attention to considering putting your name forward for selection to this team. We will match grades to suit if we cannot get the riders of choice so do not hesitate to ‘try out’ for the team. We may also travel with fewer grades than mentioned above for financial and other reasons.
Jim Henderson Commissioner