North v. South Competition – Result
Event Statistics Day 1 – Day 1
Event Statistics Day 2 – Day 2
Event Statistics Day 3 – Day 3
Rule 6.7a (National Event Championship Scoring)
(Manual of Motorsport – MNZ)
In the event of a tie in the number of points at the end of a series, the final positions will be decided on the basis of the number of best results in the series (number of first places, number of second places etc.). If a further tie exists, it will be decided in the following order, by the better placing in the last, in the last but one, or in the last but two results counting towards the series in question, etc. If a dead heat still exists the riders concerned shall divide among themselves any awards according to their placing.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to John Ravenscroft for permission to use files from SWAN