Trials Practice Area

Hi Everyone 

John Regan & I will be at the Trials practice area on Wednesday afternoon 5pm to finish cutting the sections in the trees for the trial on Sunday, if you could spare and hour and bring loppers and spade etc would be a great help. 

There is 20 ish new truck loads of dirt being dumped there now, they have dumped a load beside each of the concrete piles, this will allow us to fill in holes and profile the ground to make it tidy and ride able, if you could bring a shovel and barrow would be great, it is easy digging 

I will have some hydraulic rescue spreaders there to shift a couple of the large concrete blocks, a lot easier than pushing them with crow bars!! 

The area is starting to take shape quite well, it will change a bit when we can get some bigger machinery there to shift the big piles into what we want. 

See you Wednesday. 


Paul Delis

Trials Practice Area
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