Summer Series, Round 4 – Omihi

        A change of venue was made due to the Christchurch region still moving and it would have been quite tricky to peg sections with the rocks still moving. So, a decision was made to move to Omihi – suited me as it's a shorter drive. After a fairly dreary drive through mist and cloud we were greeted by a fine, clear, sunny day and a temperature of around 23 degrees. Good trials riding weather.

        Shane and Rocky (I mean Andy) had set the sections the previous day in quite damp conditions but all the sections were quite dry with good traction. The only exception being Section 4 which contained a greasy climb and descent. Sections 1-7 were in the gully by the cars and included logs, tight turns and hill climbs. Sections 8-10 were up the track and in the open on the steep banks.

        The frist lap took us nearly 3 hours but that was due to the numbers recently swelling in the Expert Grade. Eight of us in a group made for slow going but it was a nice day so what was the rush, plus it meant no one could get away with any missed dabs with all the watchful eyes. The sections were variations of previous trials but there was nothing to be complacent about. I witnessed a couple of 5's by those that shall remain nameless, on quite easy obstacles. Section 7 almost required a map or atleast a GPS route-finder as it twisted and turned tightly through the trees. My own personnel nemesis for this trial was Section 10. I couldn't manage better than a 2 all day. Glenn and Rat had a clean and Stef had a blinding ride on the last lap for a well deserved 1.

All in all a very enjoyable day, thanks to the section setters, score counters and sausage cookers. Horsford Downs in a fornight for the final round of the Summer Series. Don't miss it because there are lots of sausages to be eaten……………!

Cheers All
John R

Summer Series, Round 4 – Omihi
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