It’s time for an update from your commissioner.

The MNZ board met with discipline commissioners last weekend and discussed the sports future. It was interesting enough but the truth of the matter is that the people most likely to grow the sport are you!            

At this meeting I submitted a report which included:

#   The need for a decision making process within the discipline……work in progress 

#   To gain an understanding of club cultures [especially in SI which is new to me]…. I have travelled to Trials in Kaikoura and Nelson. [IN  FACT;  SOMETHING THAT  I  WOULD  LIKE  TO  BE  ABLE  TO  SAY AT  THE  END OF  MY TENURE  IS THAT  I  HAVE  RIDDEN A CLUB TRIAL IN EVERY AREA IN  NZ]  

#   To this end I would like every club to forward a calendar [and results] to me so that I may come to your area [if you will have me] 

#    I reported that it is NOT on my agenda to try and unravel MTA 

#   I have received mail from the Aussie Trials commissioner, Trevor Bennett, who is trying to find a club to run the Oceania event next year [presumably at Easter] He is keen to include a woman’s team. 

#    I have had much communication with Non Stop Trials academy and believe we have a healthy understanding of all philosophies involved. I will be canvassing for support from you all for the coming IHATOVE TRIAL on the 20 Feb. 2010 in Nelson area. 

#   I discussed the “age” of a Trials junior. Rule book states “under 16”. All those present at the meeting assumed that it would be defined as “under 16 on the day of the event”. Or in the case of a series, “under 16 as at the date of the first event and asking for dispensation from MNZ for the rest of the series”. 

#    I reported that I, and others, would like to see a workshop at an evening of the NZ champs [at this stage I believe Ixion is making Sat night available if you want] Please inform me if you feel this is desirable and if so PLEASE  INFORM  ME  OF  DISSCUSSION   SUBJECTS,  PRIOR  TO  LABOUR  WEEKEND,  SO THAT  WE  CAN  HAVE A  STRUCTURED EVENING. Topics could include …rules, fund raising, promotion ideas, training ideas, calendar synchronisation, grading, section setting, etc. Where possible we could include expert speakers but we must bear in mind that a well attended workshop at the AGM would be more beneficial than one held at the end of a days riding. But the likelihood of getting more than a ‘handful’ Trialsters to an AGM is “slim”.    

#     We spent time on the strategic plan for each discipline and I outlined how Warrens plan had been implemented and forwarded one of my own for the next year or so:            

 =    I spoke about “Warrens plan” [see strategic plan on website if interested]. I am including /attaching a template / time line for championship events that he was working on and are unsure as to whether you all received it. Please read it and refer to it for event management.            

=     Other topics in Warrens plan have reached suitable conclusions.   

I then outlined our strategic plan for the future 

#    My [our] strategic plan [some of you will think I am in dream world]: 

1        To have a workable decision making process within the Trials discipline …..within 1 yr 

2        To have an annual and useful workshop for Trials with a good attendance …..within 1 yr 

3        To have venue specific permit applications “in” [to MNZ] 6 weeks prior to the event …..within 2 yrs 

4        To have suitable ‘trail bike’ or entry level grades catered for by all clubs   …..within 3 yrs 

5        To have an annual ‘show case’ event to capture summer holiday makers as audience [or similar]….. within 2 yrs 

6        To standardise section marker pegs throughout NZ …..within 2 yrs 

7        To standardise grading levels throughout NZ …..within 4 yrs [keeping the voluntary model though] 

8        To be supportive of sending Oceania and TDN teams abroad….. when possible 

Most of these ideas have come from YOU. I still claim that I am only a facilitator. I hope, with your help, I can perform.  

I feel that I need to comment on item #3. I believe that Trials operates “under the radar” and that to grow our sport we need to tell the rest of NZ that we exist. If you can obtain permits early enough [with info on venues etc] we can take advantage of the many FREE media avenues to advertise the fact that we run a substantial proportion of motorcycle sport events. [64 events were permitted last year and that does not include MTA or non permitted events]            

Talking media. Our MNZ website is VERY under utilized by Trials. I think we ought to change that. [Mail me or Janine@ MNZ to use this facility] 

Not only do I take your ideas to MNZ but I bring their philosophies back to you. They are very keen to showcase events and to grow champions. The idea of ‘showcasing’ by taking ‘Trials to the people’ could happen at an arena Trial. Or it could be that we can take a natural terrain Trial to a summer holiday “hot spot”. The latter appeals to me as a less expensive option. The person who sold me the idea said “imagine a Trial on Mt Maunganui in mid January”. What a great concept even though that venue is probably not available. Are there other venues?  

Training riders and training trainers is high on the list of MNZ’s strategic plan [if not at the very top] We need to make this happen. If you have a plan and want help; I am as close as your phone. If you don’t have a plan then perhaps you could pool ideas with neighbouring clubs and develop one [or contact me].  

For general information. We may have an opportunity to ‘work’ with Robert Cochrane who is trying to organise a tour by Mick Andrews around NZ in February / March. I am not sure of the tour format but we may have an opportunity for some training. Watch this space 

This year’s assault on the Australian titles did not quite reach its desired conclusion but we did well all the same. Thanks to Jake, Warren and Steve Armistead for ‘flying the flag’ for us. Attached is Jakes report on the event. 

Apart from the request for permit applications to be “in” 6 weeks prior to the event it would be beneficial to the sport for clubs to have a calendar of their own events published by end of December and encompassing the ensuring year. I have already said that I would like to visit but I am sure that others would feel the same. Imagine if we could look at MNZ’s calendar on the web and find all calendared club events. 

Finally I would like to thank you for the easy “ride” so far and your friendly hospitality. We all know that we have a great sport with superb people. Let’s not keep it a secret.                                    

Jim Henderson  Commissioner for Trials                                   

078236888  or  0273665842  or  

P.S. I urge you to read ALL attachments. One of which proposes a new rule for colour and section ‘set out’ for the Presidents grade.


Jake report.pdf (42.06 kb)

President rule change.doc (24.00 kb)

Trials templates.jpg (94.68 kb)

Trials templates 001.jpg (144.73 kb)

Trials templates 002.jpg (101.07 kb)

Trials templates 003.jpg (42.81 kb)

Trials templates 004.jpg (86.36 kb)

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