The first of the training sessions this year started at the great Glen Elg Quarry farm on one of our few summer days this year. It was the first Karl Clark training session any of us had attended and with Brendon’s help proved to be an absolute cracker.
After a short session with everyone riding together we broke into two groups with Brendon taking one group and Karl the other.
It was not long before they had all of us riding things we definitely did not like and it was not long before the things we did not like were not so intimidating.
It was great to see some of the classic boys out there. John Beresford summed up the day with his remark “ I wish I had done this sort of training years ago”
The value of the weekend was proven when super Pom Andy Beale absolutely kicked Kendal Mack’s backside next day at the trial.
I would have to say that Karl proved to be the best Trials coach I have ever seen. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T MISS THE NEXT ONE ON FEBUARY 13TH AT HORSFORD DOWNS.
Alan Honeybone