2011 South Island Championship

Hi all

Well what a great weekend to finish off the South Island series!
Two great properties, day one at Horsford Downs and day two at Omihi.  The weather was good being slightly overcast on both days.  A bit windy on day one so the riders had to contest their balance as well as the obstacles.

In Presidents Grade Brendon Wadsworth had a great weekend losing only three points for the whole weekend (no points lost on the Saturday) giving him the overall win for the weekend.  Followed closely by Ross Bristol losing 14 points for the weekend coming in second for the weekend and Alan Honeybone who also had a great ride coming in for third on 28 points.

Junior Grade was won by David Trewin from Kaikoura losing only seven points for the weekend and Gareth Wadsworth from Blenheim coming in for second, well done boys!

First and second placings were fort closely in the Clubman grade John Mortimer taking it out on 28 points and Gordon Anderson in second place on 32 points, Richard Cripps on third place and David Atwool in fourth place.

Intermediate Grade was another closely fort grade.  Daniel Clark taking out both days on 23 points and John Regan on 29 points and a great ride for Brady Inwood to come in third, Also a top ride by Stef Downes to come home in 4th for the weekend and a 2nd finish on the 1st day. Looks like Stef has been putting in some hours on the new bike and look out next year boys. top effort guys and Girls!

A Grade was won by Wellington rider Carl Robson and also is looking good on the bike. Callum Anderson took a very good second place, unfortunately Jason Hibbs had some bike trouble the first day and was unable to finish day one but came in second on day two with just returning to the sport after a foot injury.

Expert Grade was taken out by Motueka rider Karl Clark who lost an impressive 39 points for the weekend.  Blake Fox in on second on 209 points, third was Brad Hibbs on 211 points.  Jason Baker from Blenheim had some bike troubles on the weekend which unfortunately put him in fourth for the weekend.

Another great weekend held by the Pioneer Club.  Looking forward to seeing you all at the New Zealand Champs at Labour Weekend in Hamilton.  Remember to all those who are going to contact Jim if you require accommodation click here for all the information.  It may be a good idea also if you are crossing the ferry to get in now as I'm sure there it will be busy due to the Rugby World Cup finals the same weekend.

2011 South Island Championship Final Results

Junior Class was taken out by Pioneer Club rider David Trewin (GasGas) who looked on very good form on his new bike.  A big effort from Gareth Wadsworth (GasGas) from Blenheim who rode his first full year in Junior Class to take out second place.

Presidents Class was a closely fort battle between Brendon, Ross and Alan.  Brendon Wadsworth from Blenheim and Ross Bristol from Christchurch finished the year on championship points with Brendon (Scorpa) just taking out the win, Ross (Sherco) in second and Alan Honeybone (Sherco) also from Christchurch in third place.

Clubman Class was taken out by Blenheim rider David Atwool riding his four-stroke scorpa.  The next highest points collected were John Mortimer (TY) in second from Christchurch and Gavin Fox (Gas Gas) in third from Dunedin and Jason Hall from Nelson who unfortunately had an accident on the first day in Christchurch and was unable to finish the weekend who will return next year determined to claim a top three placing we all wish you a speedy recovery.

Intermediate Class – after competing in his second year in the South Island Championship series Daniel Clark (Montesa) from Riwaka took out the most competitive and largest class.  Closely followed by John Regan (Beta) from Christchurch and seventeen year old Brady Inwood Gas Gas 125cc rider from Lower Moutere took out third placing.  Intermediate grade was very closely fort with five to six riders capable to finish top three on any day with many of these riders heading north to the New Zealand Champs in October.

A-Grade Class –  Wellington rider Carl Robson (beta) took out a convincing win and was a huge effort by him to come to every South Island round.  Second place went to Nelson rider Callum Anderson on his new beta and is improving each time he rides.

Expert Class – Motueka rider Karl Clark (Beta) taking six from six wins and is looking forward to the New Zealand Champs after switching to a new bike.  Second place went to Blenheim rider Jason Baker (Ossa) and will also be heading north to the New Zealand Champs.  Third equal went to Brad Hibbs (Beta) from Invercargill and Blake Fox (Gas Gas) from Dunedin.  A huge effort by both of these guys who stepped up to Expert Class this year and was good to have more riders in the top class and hope it continues.

I feel that the South Island are heading in the right direction as far as the level of section setting with guys being able step up a grade without having the danger factor which in the future will allow the top grades to have more depth.  A great 2011 series even with the unfortunate events in Christchurch and date changes all clubs did a great job.  Look forward to the 2012 series.

Debbie and Karl

Debbie and Karl have some photos from the Christchurch Round on the Nelson Trials Group website.

2011 South Island Championship
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